Business / Technical area
Business areas (IT system., industry, office communications businessman/businesswoman), electrical area (information electronics technician, communication and message technician)
Tasks and activities in summary
- Trainee-ships in school or study area
- Acquisition of the practical part of school certificate is possible
(Duration of the trainee-ship: 6 months)
You can get to know several different areas, such as:
-Stock management
-The tasks and activities are defined in the personal interview!
Wattstrasse 11-13, D-13355 Berlin
Building 5, TH 7, 1st Floor
Phone: +49 (0) 30/ 467 770- 30
Fax: +49 (0) 30/ 467 770- 31
Preferred method of application
By E-mail:
Please enclose the following with your application
Résumé , photograph, certificates, assessments
Application after
Last change
2005-05-03 |