Trescom Technology - Training Vacancy
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Training Vacancy

IT-System Businessman/ -woman

Tasks and activities in summary

IT system Businessman/-woman advise customers over the introduction or expansion of information and telecommunications technical systems.
The arrangement of the qualification and education aims shall
be carried out studying country generally action and project-orientedly at exemplary profession oriented formulations.
Are part of the job outline of the IT system merchant/the IT system merchant particularly:

- Business management, economic and organizational bases of business processes, particularly sales processes, knowledge and analysis of the social environment of businesses.
- Project-related obtaining, evaluation and presentation of information . Choice and application of suitable methods of working . Use of generally accessible information services.
- Knowledge and application of suitable development of the program methods . Development of database schemes on basis of the project management, known data models and suitable development of the database environments
- Definition and analysis of user requirements in the context of an obtaining process for simple and networked information and communication systems . Knowledge of the information technology bases, the construction and the operation of IT-Systems . Configuration of IT systems which is user-oriented and tuned both to the special department and to the DV concept of the business. Putting into operation and use of simple and networked information and communication systems . Integrated application of English technical terms .

- duration of the education: 3 years

- The pupils and pupils are able -- , analyze and show model-likely line of business typical business processes with performance, money and flows of information . they design a process-oriented structuring of operations building on it for a business process and establish connections to the operational functions . you describe the effects of the process on the construction organization . they check the arranged process with select indicators . for
- The pupils and pupils are able to analyze and to show model-likely line of business typical business processes with performance, money and flows of information. Building on it they form a process-oriented structuring of operations for a business process and establish connections to the operational functions . you describe the effects of the process on the construction organization . they check the arranged process with select indicators.

Practice place

Wattstrasse 11-13, D-13355 Berlin
Building 5, TH 7, 1.OG
Phone: +49 (0) 30/ 467 770- 30
Fax: +49 (0) 30/ 467 770- 31

The the making contact's
followings are ways of application desired type for possibly

By e-mail:

Desired plants for the application

Résumé, transparency, testimonials, judgements

Application after


last change



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